Studio Sessions Avec Moi

Man, it's been a while since I've stepped in front camera and had a photographer shoot me. But here we are, front and center, styling and working those angles - or well trying to. Don't worry though, I'm not becoming a "model," or trying to be one, but I do think it's important to show who I am to you fellow fashion enthusiast every once in a while.
So hey! Your friendly designer Dwyne Wickliffe here working it on camera and showing you all some love!
Post a comment below to let me know which is your favorite shot or just to share some love!

As always, thank you for reading along and make sure to sign up on our mailing list to stay on top of our latests posts.
Your friend in Style, Confidence, and Fashion,
Dwyne K. Wickliffe, Jr.

Posted on June 19 2017