Work a Party like a RockStar

Whether you’re the fashionable social butterfly, or gorgeous the wall flower, knowing how to work a party, or room, is key to not only having a great time but it's also your time to shine and network like a rockstar.
Since I was a young child sporting a center-part curly hairstyle while wearing short shorts, oversized striped shirts, and a pair of either Nike or Adidas sneakers, I've always kind of felt a bit socially awkward.
But as I got older and more mindful of who I was not only style-wise but also personally I gain more confidence to venture out and explore the world of socializing with other fabulous people.
If you're like my younger self, you probably wish you had a few simple tips to working a party or a room like a rockstar because you're stylish and cool.
Make Some Noise
I don't literally mean walk into a room shouting to the heavens that you have arrived and are ready to party! But when you enter a room, or are in a room full of people, you want to wear something makes you stand out. It's not only a great conversation starter but it'll also get you noticed from across the room. If you've got all eyes on you, then you've made a fashion statement.
A piece like our Christophe Duster Cardigan or Donovan Leather Shirt are great fashion statement pieces that get you noticed and gets people wanting to hang out and talk to you!
Then Grab a Drink
Once you've arrived to the party, head over to the bar grab yourself a drink, and get ready to mingle. But avoid from blocking the bar from your fellow partiers. Once you're clear of the bar, position yourself a few feet away and mingle with the most fabulous people near you. Looking for a perfect greeting? Raise your glass for a simple cheers, flash them your pearly whites, and introduce yourself.
Talk the Talk
So you've got the conversation started but now isn't the time to talk all about yourself. The art of successfully connecting with others socially is all about listening twice as much as you talk. Tell an interesting story that sparks excitement but follow up with an inquiry of whether your audience has had a similar experience to get them to also share their story. Sooner than you know it, you'll have another stylish friend to add to your posse.
Excuse Moi
Need to step away for minute to freshen up your drink, or grab a bit to eat? Simply excuse yourself from your new friend and tell them you'll catch up with them later. Once you've freshened yourself up, time to mingle with some more fabulous people!
Danger Zones
The food table, restrooms, and near the entrance - avoid spending too much time in these areas.
If you must eat, graze the table for small quick bites so you can still manage to keep up a conversation.
As for the restrooms, let's face it no one really looks that cool standing next to one.
The entrance is probably one of the worst areas to talk to people because people are usually still getting themselves settled once they've arrived.
With these tips on hand, you'll be able to flawlessly work a party like a rockstar while looking stylish at the same time.
I'm still somewhat an introvert at times but that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that at all. But I still like to go out and have a great time. These tips are some that use time after time now to go from having an okay time a gathering to having a AWESOME time. I share them with you because you too can party like a rockstar!
What are some of your tips to working a party/room like a rockstar?
Let me know in the comment section below.

As always, thank you for reading along and make sure to sign up on our mailing list to stay on top of our latests posts.
Your friend in Style, Confidence, and Fashion,
Dwyne K. Wickliffe, Jr.

Posted on September 07 2017